Начало » Sites » TRANCE » Robbie Nelson - Solaris International 193
Robbie Nelson - Solaris International 193 [сообщение #1489974] Пнд, 25 Январь 2010 23:02
Mila в настоящее время не в онлайне  Mila   Russian Federation
Сообщений: 149
Зарегистрирован: Июнь 2007
Географическое положение: Tryokhgorny
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От: 88.205.173*
Nu Tunes:
01. Tiesto Ft. Nelly Furtado - Who Wants To Be Alone [Musical Freedom]
02. Gabriel Batz & Jared Kesier - Hard Knocks (Original Mix) [Ora Recordings]
03. Gabriel Lukosz - All The Usual Things (Niklas Grosswald Mix) [Infra Progressive]

It'S Not The Kind Of Thing We Usually Play...
04. Marc Fisher - Playmate Puzzle (Carl Roda Mix)

3 In A Row:
05. Myk Bee - Blue Harmony (Fast Distance Remix [Affective Recordings]
06. Luke Terry - Escape From Antarctica (Club mix) [Unearthed Red]
07. Jordan Suckley - Out Cold (Original Mix) [Goodgreef]

Resurrection Section:
08. Timmy & Tommy - Full Tiltin (JOC Mix)

Robbie Nelson's Big Tune:
09. System F - Out Of The Blue (Tiesto 2010 mix) [Flashover]

Guest Mix: Mark Pledger
10. Light Effect - From My Mind
11. Eide & Andrez - Forget Me
12. Novaline Feat. Lisa Rose - Run Away
13. Bot Cipryan - Astral Breeze
14. Mark Pledger Feat. Melinda Gareh - Time Stands Still

Nu Tunes:
15. Walsh & McAuley Ft. Antonio Lucas - Sea Of Light (Intro Mix) [Magic Island]

Forum Favourite:
16. Chapter XJ - Resurection (Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix) [Monster Digital]

Chillout Moment:
17. Ben Nicky - Special Moment (Chillout mix) [Vandit]

http://www.freakenergy.ru/60584-robbie-nelson-solaris-intern ational-193.html
Предыдущая тема: Boom Jinx & Andrew Bayer - To The Six (The Remixes) WEB-2010
Следующая тема: VA - Markus Schulz - Las Vegas '10
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